No matter how we look at it, the facial expression that we keep portrays who we are. There is no way around this. Numerous studies have suggested that humans of all ages have an inherent tendency to “size one another up” primarily using facial analysis. You may see how this works in your own life by noticing how you feel when observing a person whose eyes are squinted, whose brows are furrowed, and whose mouth turns downward. On sight alone, most of us would see a person like this and immediately assume they are angry, unfriendly, and unapproachable.
Many of the people we meet in our Miami cosmetic surgery center express a desire to look younger. What often coincides with this is a desire to look friendlier. You may have heard the term “resting bitch face.” As inaccurate as the descriptor may be, if you have specific facial characteristics, this may be a term used about you. It doesn’t have to be.
There are two reasons why resting bitch face is a problem. The first is that, in most cases, it is a false representation of a person’s nature. However, that representation can affect how people respond and interact. Second, several studies have made a connection between facial expression, even at rest, and emotion. We assume that the emotion comes first and then the facial expression. For example, when a person feels angry, she may frown. What research has found is that the opposite is also true; when a person’s resting expression is turned downward, they are more likely to feel unpleasant emotions.
Bringing out Your Friendly Vibe
The good news about resting bitch face is that there are ways to correct it if you so choose. Studies have demonstrated that perceived negative emotion stems from two areas: the eyes and the mouth. When either area is rejuvenated, the face looks not only younger but more open and approachable.
Treatments that we may recommend to restore friendliness to the face include
- Botox or Dysport, which can lift the sagging brow and make the eyes more open.
- Botox and Dysport may also be used around the chin or mouth to lift downturned lips.
- Dermal fillers can provide volume to the mid-face and reduce sagging around the mouth.
- Blepharoplasty and brow lift surgery procedures provide long-term rejuvenation to the eyes.
- Facelift surgery repositions tissue across the cheeks and lower face, which may gently lift the corners of the mouth.
Your face should reveal the real you. For help correcting the signs of aging that make you appear unfriendly or tired, contact us at 305.279.4700.