Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) In Miami

What Is Gynecomastia?

The overdevelopment of male breasts, also known as gynecomastia, affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. This condition may be caused by a hormonal imbalance, side effects from drugs, or may occur for no particular reason at all. But despite the cause, the condition is significant and may pose a serious problem in a man’s life.

male breast reduction miami

What Are The Benefits Of Male Breast Reduction?

How much value do you place on being confident in the way you look with your shirt off? Most men don’t give a second thought to taking off a shirt while doing yard work on a hot day. They relish the invitation to go waterskiing on Biscayne Bay or to head to South Beach.

But if you have enlarged breasts, you’re reluctant to take off your shirt. You don’t want people noticing your “man boobs.”

The benefit of these surgeries with Dr. Hunsaker is to be confident again when at the beach, pool, or anywhere you take your shirt off. In sunny Miami, those opportunities are ongoing all year round.

Candidates For Male Breast Reduction

Men with large or sagging breasts can be both physically and emotionally uncomfortable, often restricting themselves from certain activities because they feel self-conscious about their breast size. Male breast reduction is an excellent way to decrease the size of a man’s breast, helping him feel more comfortable and confident. Dr. Hunsaker will be able to answer any questions about the procedure and to access your goals.

"Dr. Hunsaker and his staff are more then AMAZING. He has remarkable bed side manners, very professional and patient. He takes the time to answer each and every question and makes sure you do not leave his office until you are fully informed. He really knows how to make you feel as if you were his only patient. His staff is courteous and genuinely concerned about your well being."

- Hilda B.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis. The surgery typically takes one to three hours. Several techniques can be utilized in male breast reduction, depending on the extent of the procedure.

If the enlarged breasts are primarily caused by excessive fatty tissue, liposuction can be performed through tiny incisions to remove the excess fat. The incision may be made around the edge of the areola (the area around the nipple) or in the underarm. If excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of the enlarged breast, the tissue will be excised, or cut out, in addition to liposuction.

In more extreme instances when large amounts of fat or glandular tissue have been removed, excess skin may have remained that has not reshaped well to the new contour of the breast. In these cases, the excess skin may have to be removed as well. The incisions are then closed using sutures and are usually covered with a dressing. The chest may be wrapped to keep the skin firmly in place.

What Results Can Male Breast Reduction Surgery Achieve?

Having enlarged breasts due to gynecomastia can be very tough on a man’s self-confidence. It can make him avoid situations where he has to remove his shirt. That’s no way to go through life, especially with the many miles of beaches and myriad inviting pools in South Florida.

When the enlarged tissue is removed, often along with some excess fat, you’ll have a slimmer, contoured chest. Dr. Hunsaker’s patients often tell us that they now feel comfortable going shirtless for the first time in years. The results are immediately seen, and recovery is not difficult. This procedure can be a real boost for a man’s self-esteem.

before & after image of Gynecomastia miami

When Can I Get Back To My Normal Activities After This Surgery?

This is not an involved recovery. You can walk the day of your surgery with Dr. Hunsaker. You can drive in just a day or two. Most male breast reduction patients can return to work in less than a week. If you have strenuous work that involves your chest, this will need to be delayed. You’ll know when you’re ready to return to that kind of labor and to strenuous exercise. Pure chest exercises, such as lifting weights, will need to wait for probably about three weeks. Dr. Hunsaker will discuss timelines with you during your consultation.

Is Gynecomastia Surgery Safe?

This is a safe, low-risk, uncomplicated procedure. Dr. Hunsaker is a board-certified plastic surgeon whose expertise and experience ensure the best result.

What Are The Risks Involved With Male Breast Reduction?

This is a low-risk procedure. It is surgery, so there are the usual risks of excessive bleeding, poor wound healing, infection, and the like, but these are rare because this procedure involves small incisions. The main risk is some loss of nipple sensation, but this is usually a temporary change and feeling returns as the affected tissues recover.

Does Gynecomastia Surgery Hurt?

Obviously, with the general anesthesia Dr. Hunsaker uses for these procedures you won’t feel anything. For the first few days to a week after surgery your chest will be sore. Most patients say this is not acute pain. Dr. Hunsaker will prescribe pain medication, but many patients feel over-the-counter medication is all they need. You may have more lingering soreness if more skin was excised versus a procedure where liposuction removed more fat.

What Will My Scarring Be Like After This Surgery?

The placement of your incisions can vary somewhat based on what is causing your enlarged breasts. Dr. Hunsaker usually makes the incision around the areola on the breast. This effectively hides the incision scar. This incision provides the access he needs to remove the glandular tissue beneath and to tighten the support tissues as needed. This incision can also be used for any liposuction. If liposuction is used alone, the incisions used to gain access are tiny and virtually unnoticeable moving forward. In some cases, Dr. Hunsaker may make the incision in the armpit, which won’t leave a visible scar once the hair returns.

Schedule A Consultation

To learn more about male breast reduction surgery call 305.279.4700 to schedule a consultation in our Miami FL office.

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