Abdominoplasty: Motivation and Expectations are Everything!

There is a reason for every decision we make. We don’t always see our reasoning because many of our daily decisions are ingrained and subconscious. For example, if you like cream in your coffee, this is a decision you make without really thinking about it. Having plastic surgery, though, is a decision that you would want to spend quite a bit of time considering. You’d want to know the advantages and disadvantages and what to expect. What your surgeon will want to know is what your motivations and expectations are. It is important to have a tummy tuck, or any plastic surgery, for healthy reasons. Here are a few examples.

Why Have a Tummy Tuck?

To get your unique shape back.

We often hear people say that they want abdominoplasty to get their bodies back. What they may mean is that they want to look like they did before pregnancy, before age changed the tightness of their skin and muscles, before they gained and lost weight. Abdominoplasty corrects the issues that can be difficult to manage otherwise. By tightening loose muscles and trimming excess skin, the tummy tuck can restore a previous shape. It may even make it better.

You want to feel more confident.

We all like to feel confident about various aspects of ourselves. To be confident with appearance often means that what we see in the mirror matches the vision we have of ourselves in our minds. This vision must be realistic and built upon a firm foundation of authentic self-worth. If you do not have a healthy body image, a tummy tuck will not give you one. The happiest patients are those who generally like their bodies and want to improve where time or circumstances have degraded their appearance.

You’ve got a healthy routine in place and want better results.

Many people who seek abdominoplasty have spent months working on their wellness through diet and exercise. It isn’t that a tummy tuck is a substitute for good habits; it is a complement to them. When surgery is performed with this in mind, patients can enjoy long-lasting improvements.

We are proud to offer personalized care to patients of our Miami office. To schedule your tummy tuck consultation, call 305.279.4700.

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